Friday, December 30, 2005

Blogger Backlinks: "links to this post"

So this is neat. I was poking around my blog settings and found a setting about "Backlinks" so I looked into them.

If you go into yoru Blogger dashboard, go to Settings, then Comments, you'll find the "Backlinks" settings. There's a "Backlinks: Yes/No" as well as a "Backlinks Default for Posts". For most people, "backlinks" are hidden. I turned them on.

So what are backlinks? What Blogger does is it adds a "Links to this page" section AFTER the Comments section in each post. When someone links to your post, her blog is listed here. On top of that, you can click the little triangle by the link and actually see a snapshot of what was written in that blog.

This basically enhances the comments section for your page. Not only do you see direct comments, but you see what other people have written about your post on their blogs. That's pretty sweet.

So I'm excited about it.

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